General Surgeon
Dr Nechala Patrik
- 1 recommendation
Primary address
Suite 7105
1800 8th Street East
Owen Sound N4K 6M9
See on the map Phone :
(519) 371-8311Fax:
(519) 371-8365
About Dr Nechala Patrik
More information about the doctor.
Recommendations on the doctor Nechala Patrik
Darren Graham – 01 August 2020 :
Very informative, helpful and patient. Goes above and beyond whats required of a doctor . Contacted me basically as soon as he received the referral. Answered all of my questions with expert evaluation and made it very easy to trust his opinion and feel confident about choosing the next step. I am not a doctor but I have family members that are and he has treated me as good if not better then they would if I lived close to them and was their patient