Dr Lexier Reuven R.
- 1 recommendation
Primary address
Suite B100
340 College Street
Toronto M5T 3A9
See on the map Phone :
(416) 972-0206Fax:
(416) 972-6229
About Dr Lexier Reuven R.
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Recommendations on the doctor Lexier Reuven R.
May 19 2016, Dr.lexier removed my bunion on my left foot. To my surprise l
Was not in pain. I was able to walk out of the hospital. Five days after the surgery,Dr.Lexier's assistant put a cast on my foot. Six weeks later another assistance removed the cast. Both assistants are experienced and helpful. Dr.lexier's secretary always made me feel comfortable,when l would phone her and ask her questions. Dr.Lexier is a great surgeon , and has experienced team.
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