Dr Kiehn Lana
- 2 recommendations
Primary address
Southlake Family Health Team
Suite 201
581 Davis Drive
Newmarket L3Y 2P6
See on the map Phone :
(905) 853-3103Fax:
(905) 853-9136
About Dr Kiehn Lana
More information about the doctor.
Recommendations on the doctor Kiehn Lana
What you want in a Doctor is one that is knowledgeable, sharp, current on patient care alternatives and is quick to act pursuing the evaluative options for what is ailing you. Dr. Kiehn has all this with the professionalism expected of a family doctor. It has now been a couple years that our family has seen Dr. Kiehn and it is great to have confidence in what you are being told and to know you have the proper care for your family. With the uncertainty of finding a new family doctor being forced upon us with a previous doctor changing his practice, we could not be happier that we were able to make the change..
7 members of my family became new patients of Dr. Kiehn 8 months ago after having another family doctor in the last 20 years. We are extremely happy by this switch. She's very attentive, extremely professional and orders all the services without any delays. It feels like we wasted our last 20 years with the other doctor when comparing the two. Happy, happy, happy! :)
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