Family Doctor
Dr Adekoya David Adekunle
- 1 recommendation
Primary address
Windsor Regional Hospital
Metropolitan Campus
Department of Emergency Medicine
1995 Lens Avenue
Windsor N8W 1L9
See on the map Phone :
(519) 254-5577
About Dr Adekoya David Adekunle
More information about the doctor.
Recommendations on the doctor Adekoya David Adekunle
Kathy Roberts – 31 May 2021 :
Dr. Adekoya is an amazing man. He is compassionate, personable and so intelligent. He has helped me get treatment for my fibromyalgia, get diagnosed with another auto-immune disease and most recently caught the symptoms of a brain tumor/cyst which resulted in two brain surgeries within a few days. He saved my life and I am forever indebted to him. You would be in good hands if Dr. Adekoya was your doctor.
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